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Custom Settlement: NPCs and Mapmarker


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So, I'm pretty new at modding.

I made a new custom settlement at Nuka World Junkyard with http://stuyk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32.

I set up the workbenches, quests, etc, and added some of the Hubologists to my settlement.


  1. Can't assign NPC settlers (tried linkig with workshopitemkeyword and workshoplinkhome)
  2. Workshop Location doesn't show up in Pipboy Data>Settlements
  3. Workshop statistics don't show up in Pipboy Map

Anyone have any advice? The 50 happiness thing, and settlement count bar shows up when the workshop is opened but that info isn't shows on pipboy.

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have you done all this ???



Btw the keywords you used are not needed at all....(remove them )

NPC's are all ready set up to do what is needed as long as you set up the settlement correctly.

IMO delete all the stuff you did related to initializing the workshop and location and follow the tutorial to the letter..


Also note :

Try not to build anything on your location until youre sure that your settlement works.


Either build it up and COPY the esp file to safe location before you start playing with the settlement setup.


Or dont build as i said above and fix the settlement aspect of the mod first.


This way you can delete the whole esp and replace it with the "clean version " you have saved away or simply start from scratch if you havent built anything.

Edited by greekrage
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