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Skyrim CTDs, ILS after everything done for over 3 weeks


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Hi everyone i'm pretty new posting on the forum and i'm asking for help because i'm desperate... Indeed i'm planning to play Skyrim again since a long period and i'm trying to reinstall it with the latest versions of all my mods.


I first switched to MO following tutorials using LOOT, TES5Edit, Wrye bash and everthing.


I installed Skyrim, all my mods, the SKSE memory fix and my game was always crashing near the Embershard Mine close to Riverwood. I decided to install ENBoost to give a last try making my game being stable once and for all. Now the game has less random CTDs. But now I can't load my game at the risen stones (the embershard mine) without having an ILS. I used Wrye Bash to build the Bashed Patch and restart a clean save.


I have made three saves :


- 1st Abandonned Prison (Alternate start mod)

- 2nd Riverwood

- 3rd Risen stones.


I can load correctly the two first saves without any problem. But I have got an ILS when loading the risen stones save from the main menu. BUT I can load that save when I load one of the others just before so from in game. But from main title : CTD or ILS...


I'll post modlist if needed but I really want to play the game with my mods without any problem...


I hope you'll be able to help me, thanks in advance.


PS : I'm french so sorry for bad english if there is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deleted80903

Try getting the crash fixes mod. Sometimes over time your save will accumulate more strings, and the vanilla game can only accomodate ~65K of them. Crash Fixes has a workaround that allows the game to load saves with large string counts.


CF fixes a lot of other things too, hope it helps you.

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