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In regards to ads on nexusmods.com and the adblock extension...


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I tried turning off adblock, because I do appreciate the site a lot and understand you need to make money. BUT ---> After turning the ads back on, chrome got very slow opening tabs and even locked up a few times. Thus, adblock is back on. If you guys want us to keep it off, please consider not causing our browsers to blow up.





loyal consumer

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I didn't notice any difference between having it on or off in nexus sites. Maybe the problem is not nexus but your PC or the browser have you tried reinstalling Chrome? If the browser became slow when you deactivated the extension maybe it has some problems the site is not what is causing the problem.


If you see a lot of ads on the nexus site you could just have a virus nexus mods pages normally only have 2 small advertisements.

Edited by Project579
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