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Dragon Sword


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I like the new handle, it flows much better then before. I'm thinking about the pommel, how your hand might slide off if the handle ever gets slick with blood, perhaps make the ring a bit thicker so if you slide your hand down the hilt, the sword doesn't fall out of your hand.


It might need a guard, it might not. Perhaps continue working on this model, then when it's complete take that same model and add a guard, we can then choose which style we want to use when we craft it.

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I am thinking to carve the whole handle from nose to tail , eventually on the grip part to carve some scenes of Alduin's wall , but , it may be complex for the moment ,as for the bottom part I actually am not sure if it goes , I took inspiration for the head and handle from the real ingame dragon's look but for the tail I think that I coudl either simulate a dragon tail with several spikes or make it like the blood Dragon opening tail or may be make it smooth like the lizard tail? not sure yet how to finish ...
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Ok here is for a sugestion ....


I believe that going into too much detail woudl make the sword thing unrealistic and that I shoudl keep more vague and less crafted the sword what do you think?


Stuff like leaving with no teeths and may be add some knotwork carvings instead of detailed scales and such ....








ideas on how to carve it?

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I like the teeth. It gives it the look of it "breathing" the blade instead of it just being attached. I don't know about scales. It all depends on how graphic intensive everything will be.
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Details are a great way to make it look believable without being overly realistic; it's how you use the details.

I like the design, but I would suggest working on the silhouette more, right now it just looks like a blobby zbrush sketch. To me, it simply looks to soft.


Also, you need a bit of bevel in those letters, they won't show up on a normal map like that.


Edit: reading back over a few of your posts, it sounds like you don't know what you want to do with this design. You should really have a good base concept before working out smaller details. This saves a lot of time and headache, and trying to fight with the model to get details working the way you want.

Edited by throttlekitty
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Details are a great way to make it look believable without being overly realistic; it's how you use the details.

I like the design, but I would suggest working on the silhouette more, right now it just looks like a blobby zbrush sketch. To me, it simply looks to soft.


Also, you need a bit of bevel in those letters, they won't show up on a normal map like that.


Edit: reading back over a few of your posts, it sounds like you don't know what you want to do with this design. You should really have a good base concept before working out smaller details. This saves a lot of time and headache, and trying to fight with the model to get details working the way you want.

Yeh I started sketching out of an Idea in mind and I do not have a precise idea .... so working as the flow comes , but I change as I see it eveolving , it seemed to me that too much details in woudl make look the hilt unrealistic , I coudl go with scales , nostrils , teeths and whatever but then it woudl look like a real creature and not a sculpture I guess?

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Here a possible sketch of the hilt what do you guyes think?


I was thinking to insert between the diagonal lines some carvings like sort of paint bassrelief or if too much complicate some cnot works...



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Looks nice, however the handle needs some work imo.



How about giving it a wooden, straight handle, with the form of the dragon as an engraving into the wood. You could engrave it with a different material than wood obviously.



That way you could be more creative with the dragon form (perhaps even add some wings), yet keep the functinality of the sword as a believable object. So in effect you could have the blade made of steel, the haft made of dragon bone and the hand grip made of wood. Would look pretty unique and give it good contrast, yet it'll still be believable.



Off topic, but are you the Italian Prom of RTW:Res Gestae fame?

Edited by Megalos
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