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Memory Issues


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As I play Skyrim, my memory used, goes up.... and keeps going up... and never goes down, at any point. The key words here are "As I play", because if I stand still, the memory stands still, never rising or falling, and if I move/go indoors/change areas/fast travel/etc., it rises. My issue is not that it's rising, that's supposed to happen. The issue is that it never goes down. Ever. which means that after about half an hour of play, sometimes 15 minutes, it will stutter, and stutter more, and more, until finally, it becomes unplayable as it reaches my maximum of around 8G and my computer tells me to quit.


So, I've looked around, but I've been unable to find a solution, or a problem that's quite the same. There's complaints about Skyrim running slower as time goes by, there's complaints about stuttering and lag as you enter new areas, but none of them mention this happening, and none of the proposed solutions seem to ever make a difference. I would really appreciate any insight you guys might have.

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