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Skyrim load order


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can anyone help me to find the right loading order for my mod liste its Crashed after a few minutes ingame or freeze


i downloaded all at once by using mod organizer

i spent days sort out Bugs and to mix it but nothing seems to works please help me.


and do you think this is the best graphic setup?


My PC:


Asus ROG Rampage V 10 Year

Intel I7 6950x Extrem Edition 3-4GHz 25 mb catche

Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080-8G 2-Way SLI

Hyper X Predator 64 GB Ram 3000 Mhz


My Mod List is in the file



Ps. this is my first pose in this Forum so sorry if i put this in the wrong place

i hop my english is correct .

Edited by DeusExMachina117
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I'm skeptical and/or jealous of that rig, but it is a bit overkill with Skyrim, since it can't handle more than 3.1 Gb of RAM before the engine crashes. It will hopefully be put to use with Special Edition. If you haven't run LOOT on that load order, that should be your first move if you're sure the mods don't conflict.


To be honest, my first assumption is that using so many ultra-high quality textures is killing your ram. Use this tool http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/? to monitor your RAM, making sure it stays below 3 Gb.


IF your crashes result from this issue, you should try out both ENBoost http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/? (there are debates whether it is effective at all on Win10, and it requires a small amount of user tweaking to use with other ENB presets) and especially use Optimizer Textures http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/? in order to reduce the size of your textures with a minimal loss in quality.

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