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fnis help


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so while i was away a friend wanted to install fnis mod to the list of mods i have,but as a result the game is broken due to him not following the steps needed for an install. when starting a new game, my character is sitting in the front seat where the driver of the carriage should be while everyone else is out of the carriage and being left behind.


is there a process i can do to cleanly uninstall fnis files without having to reinstall skyrim?

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Before uninstalling, have you tried using the tool "GenerateFNISforUsers"? If not, you can find the tool at the main FNIS nexus link here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/?. You must use this after EVERY new animation is installed or uninstalled or Skyrim will not run properly.


If you have already tried that, then I'm not sure what your options are.

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I have done so a few times in order to troubleshoot.this issue has been resolved.

for those having a similar issue ill retrace what i did.hopefully it helps...

1.go to this directory in your computer in this order

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\meshes\Actors\Character\animations

2.look for any fnis related files in this folder and delete them.make sure fnis is turned off [aka uninstalled] in your Nexsus mod manager.

3 start the fnis installation progress EXACTLY like its shown in the link here


4.test the game a couple times to get the desired vanilla start.

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