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Armor for my horse, warpaint for my dog


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I know we have to wait for the CK to see what is possible and what cannot be done. However, I'd like to see a mod that "individualizes" horses and dogs. What do I mean by that?


Atm horses and dogs die too easy. So it would be great if there is some upgrade for them like armor or warpaint. Maybe it is possible to make them level with the player to gain more hp, natural resistance and armor.


Also it would be so cool if you are able to rename your horse or dog. Just "Dog" or "Horse" sounds dull.


What do you think?



Cheers Euclid

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Horse Armor pah, I want Dragon Armor...though horse armor is a start...just not like they did in Oblivion...some better horse armor then that is needed. Dog armor is good too...how would warpaint help a dog live longer?? Though customizing the color of said dog, maybe making them not dogs at all would be cool too.
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