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help to a noob modding vastly


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heLOLow! :-)
after 30 video tutorials and forum threats...
BUT my english is squishy, so sort answers
...i pretend to know my next step

i install my first 250 mods

2) tes5edit:
i filter for clean, then tons of red, i remove ITM + undelete and disable references, red continues

3) loot:
now only show 1 itm error on skyrimsoundtrackexpansion, then i sort

4) merge plugin:
cant scan for errors, but can fix, then ask me for save some of plugins, i allways yes, at end is able to clik on fix again till infinitum; then i merge, chek+fix for errors (same result + merge become red), then resove issues = non ontiguous and plugins errors

5) i cry

related questions:
1) i read ITM not always must be corrected, but there are some way to know what i can correct whiout read all the mod section?
2) once i merged the first 250, can i continue to other 250? or could have issues? i read that is preferable merge in sections but i did and merge plugin gave me navmesh conflicts
3) does its true that this conflicts (navmesh conflicts) only are resolved by CK?

-------- PDT: ----------
trying install 800mods for one year
skyrim is the best videogame ever due to the work of comunity
u are my last hope guys!

Edited by oigres89
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1) i read ITM not always must be corrected, but there are some way to know what i can correct whiout read all the mod section? don't correct them if you are not planning to merge the mod with the errors.


once i merged the first 250, can i continue to other 250? or could have issues? you didn't merge 250 plugins all together right?


does its true that this conflicts only are resolved by CK? no the majority of conflicts are easier to solve in TES5Edit but other regarding objects and navmesh can only be fixed using the CK.

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realy realy thanks to answer so fast


must i dont correct ITM then? i read it causes ctd


how i didnt merge 250? i did it! i read on nexus that its posible merge infinite mods.

BUT my cuestion is, if i merge XXX mods together and after other XXX, can ill get conflicts between them?

i tried to merge together all my player homes but navmesh conflicts appeared

Edited by oigres89
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realy realy thanks to answer so fast


must i dont correct ITM then? i read it causes ctd


how i didnt merge 250? i did it! i read on nexus that its posible merge infinite mods.

BUT my cuestion is, if i merge XXX mods together and after other XXX, can ill get conflicts between them?

i tried to merge together all my player homes but navmesh conflicts appeared

It's better if you come back to the basics.


you can't merge an entire load order when you merge you only want to merge similar mods together like armor mods with armor mods etc. or only merge patches.


if you merge mods with navmesh you will need to redo the navmesh using the CK.


merging mods often causes problems with scripts (quests etc.).


I don't think you understand what a conflict is.


Before merging any mods you need to be sure they work as they should when they are not merged and inside your load order.


When you merge mods they need to be in a perfect order; this means you have to check every mod you want to merge to see what they edit and if you want them to (use TES5Edit to do it).


you cannot merge mods that have errors.


Merge plugins can't merge more then 30 mods together it's just going to create a lot of errors.


after 30 video tutorials and forum threats...<-----this is not enought at all without experience you are not going anywhere.
BUT my english is squishy, so sort answers
...i pretend to know my next step
1)NMM:<-----if you really want to merge mods use Mod Organizer you are just going to make a disaster with NMM.
i install my first 250 mods


3) does its true that this conflicts (navmesh conflicts) only are resolved by CK? yes, you are not going to be able to load a merge in the CK anyway.


i filter for clean, then tons of red, i remove ITM + undelete and disable references, red continues
Edited by Project579
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clean navmesh conflicts with CK <----you have to remake the navmesh with the CK not clean it.

merge by section mod, and without scripts<----yes and don't merge mods with navmesh they require far too much work and if you don't know how to use the CK fixing them is going to get incredibly rough.

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