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Possible Random Item Picker


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In a nutshell, I'm looking for a plug-in mod or script that performs a lottery selection to dispense a single item from a filled container.


I'm curious if it's at all possible to set a container to dispense a single random item from the plethora inside it that it might hold. Perhaps even a script that performs a lottery to give a random object ID (using the objects inside) might work.

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You might try and get a hold of the creator of the New Vegas Trade Center mod. Their mod has a part in it that is pretty much exactly what you're looking for. They might be willing to share how they did it.

Good luck with the search. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, both of these are good directions to go in and research... but I have an addendum for the request... I'm looking for a way to dispense a random item that has already been looted and applied to this container in-game... and excluding any items that have not yet been looted.


In other words, say you loot an item in-game and place it into this container... Then, the container (either via a pop-up window or maybe a terminal) would ration one object from it to the player on a random basis.


I've seen both the creators of both Armorizer and New Vegas Trade Center implement randomness via pre-configured item lists, but I guess I'm looking for a way to generate a loot list in a container on the fly in-game.

Edited by CRB5
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