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Reset Republic of Dave Faction?


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Just wondering what the console command to reset my standing with the republic of dave is. I decided to kill dave and take the republic as a starter for RTS and was hoping that the children would stop being hostile after a few days but that hasnt worked.


Tried looking up console commands on the Vault. No dice.

Edited by ModelV
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You're looking at a LOT of commands here. Quest strings, AI settings, crime tracking functions...


Basically you'd have an easier time just restarting the game, and/or making a mod that makes them never get pissed off. There is no:


set Dave.IShotYou to False






Alternatively, you could just open the console, click on the kids, and type "zap"

Edited by Jeoshua
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I decided to use disable. And I guess Im just used to NV where factions were made much easier to control...


I also notice I put this in the wrong section now :facepalm:


Anyway doesnt matter RTS continues to be insanely buggy and unusable on my system so the whole idea failed. At least I have Owned though...

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