LostBrokenWinter Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 (edited) So I just redownloaded the game set up mod organizer and created what I thought was a pretty stable game. Well, I keep crashing now and I am trying my best to find the culprit. First I found that I had to fix the memory usage, that helped a lot but I still crash in certain or random areas. Like trying to save right outside of Whiterun or trying to harvest a body. Here is the papyrus log I captured http://i68.tinypic.com/bfns3o.png And my current mod list and load order 1.Update.esmesm2.Dawnguard.esmesm3.HearthFires.esmesm4.Dragonborn.esmesm5.Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espesp6.Falskaar.esmesm7.WM Flora Fixes.espesp8.TTR_Skill_Overhaul.esmesm9.SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esmesm10.RSkyrimChildren.esmesm11.Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esmesm12.ApachiiHair.esmesm13.TERAArmors.esmesm14.SGHairPackBase.esmesm15.HighResTexturePack01.espesp16.HighResTexturePack02.espesp17.HighResTexturePack03.espesp18.Cutting Room Floor.espesp19.SkyUI.espesp20.RaceMenu.espesp21.RaceMenuPlugin.espesp22.Brawl Bugs CE.espesp23.AMatterOfTime.espesp24.Dragon Stalking Fix.espesp25.When Vampires Attack.espesp26.dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espesp27.stranger_danger.espesp28.Headtracking.espesp29.iActivate.espesp30.AHZmoreHUD.espesp31.SimplyKnock.espesp32.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Archery.espesp33.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Block.espesp34.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Conjuration.espesp35.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Illusion.espesp36.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Lockpicking.espesp37.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Pickpocket.espesp38.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Restoration.espesp39.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Speech.espesp40.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_TwoHanded.espesp41.Clothing & Clutter Fixes.espesp42.Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espesp43.Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.espesp44.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Destruction.espesp45.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_OneHanded.espesp46.Combat Evolved.espesp47.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Alteration.espesp48.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Sneak.espesp49.DeadlyCombat.espesp50.RealisticWaterTwo.espesp51.Immersive Jewelry.espesp52.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Alchemy.espesp53.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Enchanting.espesp54.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Smithing.espesp55.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_HeavyArmor.espesp56.TTR_Skill_Overhaul_LightArmor.espesp57.Immersive Jewelry CACO Patch.espesp58.RealisticNeedsandDiseases.espesp59.CACO_RND_Patch.espesp60.Skyrim Immersive Creatures.espesp61.CACO_SkyrimImmersiveCreatures_Patch.espesp62.Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.espesp63.CACO_SkyrimImmersiveCreatures+DLC2_Patch.espesp64.Destructible_bottles.espesp65.CACO_RND_DestBottles_Patch.espesp66.CACO_UniqueBooze_Patch.espesp67.DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espesp68.Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.espesp69.FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.espesp70.Guards Attack Hostiles.espesp71.RSChildren - Complete.espesp72.Patch - Falskaar - RS kids.espesp73.RSChildren_PatchStrangerDanger.espesp74.XPMSE.espesp75.ethereal_elven_overhaul.espesp76.Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espesp77.Immersive Weapons.espesp78.FM_FollowerMod.espesp79.Tera Armor Level List.espesp80.bm_SimpleAction.espesp81.Unique Uniques.espesp82.Vivid Weathers.espesp83.Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.espesp84.mintylightningmod.espesp85.Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.espesp86.RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.espesp87.Run For Your Lives.espesp88.SMIM-Merged-All.espesp89.Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.espesp90.RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.espesp91.SFO - Dragonborn.espesp92.Immersive Patrols II.espesp93.Skyrim Flora Overhaul.espesp94.RND_HearthFires-Patch.espesp95.SL99Exchanger.espesp96.EmbersHD.espesp97.RND_AnimalLoot.espesp98.RND_Dawnguard-Patch.espesp99.RND_Dragonborn-Patch.espesp100.Bijin NPCs.espesp101.KS Hairdo's.espesp102.Brows.espesp103.Northgirl.espesp104.Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espesp105.Blindfolds_of_Skyrim.espesp106.FNIS.espesp107.mslVampiricThirst.espesp108.PlayRandomIdle.espesp109.Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.espesp110.Vividian - Torches Preset.espesp111.RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.espesp112.RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.espesp113.RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.espesp114.SL99Exchanger_Patch_Immersive Jewelry.espesp115.Brevi_MoonlightTales.espesp116.Apocalypse - The Spell Package.espesp117.Apocalypse - More Apocalypse.espesp118.Raven Witch Armor.espesp119.SGHairPackAIO.espesp120.Alternate Start - Live Another Life.espesp121.tpos_ultimate_esm.espesp122.tpos_ultimate_cutting_room_floor_patch.espesp123.tpos_ultimate_alternate start_patch.espesp124.Bashed Patch, 0.esp Edit I cleaned the save and this is the log after crashing; http://i68.tinypic.com/rhqtdy.png Edited October 2, 2016 by LostBrokenWinter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalMythic Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 Seems like there are lot of leftover scripts of uninstalled mods, or that the mods order has not been set right or activated properly, check in your mod list of the mod manager. You could try using savetool or skyrimtools to "clean" your save file, be sure to make a backup of the files though and see if the problem persists. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostBrokenWinter Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 (edited) I used the latest version of the save cleaner and threw out wet and cold, up to using the remove scripts attached to nonexistent created forms. I restarted the game and I am still crashing around the outside of Whiterun near the bridge and brewery as well crashed outside the sleeping giant inn.I also use ENBoost to lower the vrm usage. Edited October 2, 2016 by LostBrokenWinter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostBrokenWinter Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 (edited) Though I have a feeling it might be People of Skyrim, but recently it had an update fixing the missing Meshes ctd problem. And the mod author has stated that tpos and patches has to load last in the mod order so I edited that into Loot.Or it could be Complete Alchemy and crafting overhaul (CACO) Edited October 2, 2016 by LostBrokenWinter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostBrokenWinter Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 Game crashed again after the save clean. I log'd it and this is what shows http://i68.tinypic.com/rhqtdy.png Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project579 Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 (edited) Does creating a new save solve the problems? What memory patch are you using the SKSE one? Edited October 2, 2016 by Project579 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostBrokenWinter Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 I use the corrent version of enboost to solve the game's 3.1 ram limit. Though if there was better way to lower ram would be nice. I have not yet started a new save but I will try that next. I've gotten to the point I am too worried about the game crashing every five minutes to even enjoy the nicely modded game. I just want to finalize my mods for my preference play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project579 Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 (edited) ok that is probably why your game is crashing. Install ENBoost and Crash Fixes following this guide: Download and install SKSE if you don't have it already; Remember to run the game trough skse_loader.exe from now on. Createa a file called skse.ini in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\ if you don't have it already, then write inside (remove other lines that might be inside the file): [General]ClearInvalidRegistrations=1EnableDiagnostics=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0 turn to 1 if debugging [Display]iTintTextureResolution=2048 [Debug]WriteMinidumps=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0 turn to 1 if debugging After that download and install Crash Fixes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? Download and install Bug Fixes as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747/? After having installed it navigate to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Pugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini Modify in CrashFixPlugin.ini UseOSAllocators=1 follow the instructions above this line to make it work. You will need to download and install SKSE Plugin Preloader Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75795/? ENB can be used without graphics modification (ENBoost) it will improve performance and stability, for more info visit http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73618/? :First download the latest ENB ( http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html ) in the archive, extract from the wrapper version: enbhost.exe, d3d9.dll, enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini to your Skyrim directory (where TESV.exe is located) In enblocal.ini edit: [GLOBAL]UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false ;<-----set this to true leave to false if you have an ENB.UseDefferedRendering=trueIgnoreCreationKit=trueForceFakeVideocard=false [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ;<-----make sure this is set to false is obsolete and will interfere with Crash Fixes or SKSE memory patch (causes crashes especially in Win10)ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=false ;<---------set to true for old AMD GPUs.DisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ;<------make sure this is set to false only works when ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true as previously sad this only causes problemsReservedMemorySizeMb=64 ;<-----if using an ENB you know what goes here otherwise increase if you experience some stutter.VideoMemorySizeMb=4064 ;<-----Users should download and run Boris's VRamSizeTest tool. Run the VRamSizeDX9.exe. Windows 7 users subtract 170 from the value provided and use that value. Windows 8/8.1/10 users use the value provided. If AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true this value is ignored and auto-calculated.AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false ;<-----set this to true if you want auto VRAM size calculation [THREADS]DataSyncMode=2PriorityMode=3EnableUnsafeFixes=false If you feel like skse or Crash Fixes are not working correctly create a shortcut with this argument and launch the game from it (if you are on ModOrganizer add to the SKSE executable the -forcesteamloader argument) i suggest doing this even if everything works as it should: Edited October 2, 2016 by Project579 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LostBrokenWinter Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 Alright I followed this and now I crash right after the save loads and even when I enter a new game. Pointing out I am using Mod Organizer. I do have to point out I had to create both an SKSE folder and skse.ini because there was none in my data folder. I downloaded the crash and bug fixes and configured them as said on their page and here. I might have done something wrong but I don't know what I missed or is missing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project579 Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 everything should be good is normal that you have to create the skse folder if skse.ini is missing. Can you post your mod setup info using modwatch: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640/? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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