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I need help Game Keeps CTD's and I can not figure out why...


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Look I have tried several fixes and game still sluggish and Crashes to Desktop during play.


I can a provide list of current active mods and also provide a list of active Plugin's as needed


I would appreciate any help that can resolves my problem

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download the application and launch it after that it should be pretty clear what you have to do.


Make sure Crash Fixes and ENBoost are set up properly:


Download and install Bug Fixes as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747/?
Navigate to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Pugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini (or if you are on MO modify the file from the mod folder)
Make sure that in CrashFixPlugin.ini UseOSAllocators=1 is set to 1 if not set it to and follow the instructions above the line to make it work. You will need to download and install SKSE Plugin Preloader Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75795/?
Make sure that in enblocal.ini looks like this:
UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false ;<-----set this to true leave to false if you have an ENB.
ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ;<-----make sure this is set to false is obsolete and will interfere with Crash Fixes or SKSE memory patch (causes crashes especially in Win10)
DisableDriverMemoryManager=false ;<---------set to true for old AMD GPUs.
EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ;<------make sure this is set to false only works when ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true as previously sad this only causes problems
ReservedMemorySizeMb=64 ;<-----if using an ENB you know what goes here otherwise increase if you experience some stutter.
VideoMemorySizeMb=4064 ;<-----Users should download and run Boris's VRamSizeTest tool. Run the VRamSizeDX9.exe. Windows 7 users subtract 170 from the value provided and use that value. Windows 8/8.1/10 users use the value provided. If AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true this value is ignored and auto-calculated.
AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false ;<-----set this to true if you want auto VRAM size calculation
If you feel like skse or Crash Fixes are not working correctly create a shortcut with this argument and launch the game from it (if you are on ModOrganizer add to the SKSE executable the -forcesteamloader argument) i suggest doing this even they are working correctly:
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Ok a update...


1st PC O.S. Windows 7 main gaming computer...

I will find full specs and post...


Desktop when game loads shown on attached photo...




2nd P.C. Laptop with Windows 10

I - core 7 16 gig ram

Laptop crashes to desktop immediately after game loads.

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when I play the game no nexus Mods game plays fine... just spouts off about Content not available...

I use Loot, and things suggested by people here...

I have been working months trying figure out what mods might be conflicting because loot shows nothing

and yet game CTD's or maybe I have not got something set right in ENB

I don't know it is annoying though...

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