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All Seathed Weapons Visible


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I'd like to ask for a mod, and it will probably be "easy". Well, not for me... I'm a noob... I... Well...


Never mind. What I'd like to ask is this:


I'd like for a mod that would allow my character to have all his weapons visible when sheathed.

Basically, I'm making a "ranger" type playthrough, and it would be awesome if the character looked something like Viggo in LotR...

So I'm kindly requesting for:

-Best Greatsword in inventory when unequiped sheathed visible at all times

-Best Dagger in inventory when unequiped sheathed visible at all times

-Best Bow in inventory when unequiped sheathed visible at all times

-Best Arrows Quiver in inventory when unequiped sheathed visible at all times


(I never cared about swords but I guess a version with a sword in place of the sheathed dagger would be equally easy to make for you guys, or it can be replaced by equiping and sheathing the sword/war axe/war hammer etc)


Thanks in advance. Hope I get a few bumps. Great minds think alike...

Edited by totem91
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I was just thinking of this, glad I searched instead of creating a new topic. My current character is a rogue so I'm often dual wielding daggers, but I use my bow for long range silent kills. I'd love to be able to see it on my back while I'm sneaking around with my daggers out.


Similarly, I'd like to see my shield on my back when my warrior/barbarian character has a greataxe equipped or is dual wielding or whatever. It would be simply aesthetic, it would provide no additional armor or anything unless actually equipped. Whoever could come up with such a mod would be a hero in my book.

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Can definitely count on the Shield on your back coming to Skyrim. I know someone will do it. One of the best mods that came to Oblivion. I would really love it if all equipped weapons showed on the character as well. Or... better yet, if Bethesda would update their game back to how Morrowind used to be with being able to wear CLOTHES under the armor, and then do one better for Skyrim. Put in "show" slots for all weapons. So two side weapons, and choice of back weapons being two-handed/bows/staves. And have them show while they're "equipped." On top of having the Arrow quiver actually stay where it is as well. Anyone else think this would be nice?
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I'd like to say that I'd really like this idea, as well!!


Basically, I think it would be nice for your shield to actually "sheathe" on your back instead of carrying it around on your arm constantly. I'd also like to see one-handed weapons sheathe on the back similarly to two-handed ones, and of course being able to see other weapons sheathed while equipping your "main" weapons would be nice, too. While we're at it, maybe adding "straps" to the quiver instead of having it simply float there at your back would look nice, too! It all seems like simple ideas, but they're probably very difficult to actually do :(

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I agree - at least have dual wield weapons visible. And maybe this needs to be posted somewhere else, but is there any way to fix graphical errors as far as arrows/two-handed weapons go? Warhammers don't look so good with quivers, actually sort of running through them like mace animations often look. And when you turn the third-person camera to the side, basically getting your character's profile, the quiver actually looks like it's floating. Maybe an all-around weapons mod is in order. I wish I had some sort of background with this, but like you, I am a "noob" and still have trouble installing many mods much less designing them...
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