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If steam goes defunct, then the world of gaming is royally screwed and there is bigger problems to deal with. Like seriously. I'll call dibs on end of the world if Steam dies. you should be able to play without a internet connection. I've had no problems playing video games without an internet connection. During internet outages I tended to play my RPG games that are on my steam account. Edited by AndrewWaltfeld
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The only games I have on Steam are Skyrim and Fallout NV. I worry about Steam disappearing because it'll be a total rip off for people who purchased the game and can no longer play it but I don't worry about it too much.
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Every time my internet goes out I can't play any of my Steam games. It throws a massive fit and refuses to even start. Keeps giving connection error messages. Won't even let me go into offline mode unless I have an active internet connection, which completely defeats the entire purpose of having an offline mode. Apparently, the offline mode will only work if you have an internet connection to "get permission" to go into offline mode. Makes no god damn sense.


In before some idiot comes in and parrots how offline mode works for them and nothing ever goes wrong on Steam for anyone. These people have never actually tried to use the offline mode function. Especially in a situation where Steam can't still call home at a moments notice. They just assume that because the option to go into offline mode exists and it will work when they need it.


I am waiting for the day when Gabe finally retires, but before he does he sells Steam off for a nice fat retirement bonus. At this point the new owners are gonna go all draconian on us and everyone is gonna hate Steam. Then maybe people will realize how utterly retarded it is to put all of your eggs in the same basket. A basket that has a switch on it that will dump all the eggs on the floor when pushed.


Oops... I didn't really mean for this to turn into a rant. Anyway, these are my feelings on Steam. I honestly only use Steam because Skyrim and two other games I play requires it. I'll never use Steam at all if I can help it.

Edited by Kravick
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