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Guards keep chasing me


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In Vivec, ordinators keep chasing me. I once was attacked by a guard and got his armour. I then wore it and was attacked, I sold the armor but anm still chased. Any help / save-game-file modification which could help me?#





beeman :!: :!: :!: :!: :help:

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yeah, i once stole something stupid and resisted arrest in balmora so two hiaalu guards started chasing me, i went to the theives guild, got the price off my head, but to my amazement the two guards were still after me, so i just killed both hiaalu guards, and i didnt get in trouble at all, but if u are a low level, jsut stay out of vivec until ur good, because vivec aint that important unless ur in the imperial cult or joinied the temple
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Heres your problem law breaking man: YOU BROKE A LAW!!

If a guard rushes up and attacks you, theres probably -no- there IS a reason

Heres you solution: Go to the Thieves Guild in Balmora and speak to the man in the basement (The one behind the counter) and speak to him about "Price on your head."


Sorry if this doesnt solve ur problem, if it doesnt then..... I dont know.... sorry.

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I see now why the moderators are getting angrier and angrier at n00bs.


i'll say it once, there is a code to make them not attack you when wearing their armour(for computer only) the code is.....


use the search button in the top right hand corner you lazy fetchers all your answers lie there.

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