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MoveTo problems


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Okay, simple problem...I want to move a specific reference object from wherever it is in the game, to me. ideally I'm using MoveTo. but I don't really mind how.


scn ChronoTeleporter

int bisCPressed
short sButton2
short mModeOn

begin GameMode

if bisCPressed != IsKeyPressed 46
	set bisCPressed to IsKeyPressed 46

if ( IsKeyPressed 46 == 1 && player.getequipped ArmorChronoLegion == 1)
showMessage ChronoShiftMenu
set mModeOn to 1

set sButton2 to GetButtonPressed
if sButton2 == -1

if sButton2 == 0
;Close menu

if sButton2 == 1
;set destination
ChronomarkerA.MoveTo Player
showMessage ChronoShiftNewDestAlert

if sButton2 == 2
;Move player to Marker A
Player.MoveTo ChronomarkerA




The bit near the bottom which I've wrapped in Hash symbols is the part where I'm having difficulties...the bit where I move the player to the marker works just fine. the part where I move the marker to me however...that's a problem. it doesn't work, and I have no idea why.

I'm thinking it might be because the entity I'm moving is a Static entity...I'd rather not move physics based entities, but I can change if I have to. ideally I'd like these markers to be invisible and intangible, existing only to be a reference location.


Alternately, if someone could provide me with a better way of doing this, I'd be obliged :P

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