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March of The Dead Broken. Please Help


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When i reach the quest Veleth just stands there & no ash spawn appear. I have waited 24 hours ingame (didnt work), I have fast traveled away then came back (didnt work) andeven started using LOOT [The Load Order Optimisation Tool] (didnt fix it) Is there a mod that breaks the Dragonborn quests? if not is there a console command i can enter to skip the quest as if i completed it? [see Pics below for screenshots and Modlist]


Update: i uninstalled ALL my mods and tried the quests in Vanilla Skyrim & the quests are still broken

Update #2: i just did a clean install of Dragonborn & it too didnt work







Id like to add another Dragonborn Quest thats broken. When I use the book, it just spawns me behind Miraak, with his dragon flying around and him not responding to me like he should. I'm stuck, not able to move http://i.imgur.com/68bih2X.jpg

Edited by LewdTrish
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