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Strange Map Menu Hotkeys, etc.


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Since a a few days ago my world map menu, along with a few other interfaces, have been acting strangely. It seems the keystrokes that are normally used have become changed. And I don't mean the hotkeys that can be optionally changed at the control settings menu. For example, clicking on discovered locations simply closes the map instead of giving me the option to fast travel. If I hit the P key, a custom destination becomes set on the world map, which the normal keystroke for this is right or left mouse click I believe.


Similar problems with certain interfaces are also occurring. The A key at the lockpicking menu no longer turns the keyhole. Also while I'm at the loot menu, hitting the R key no longer takes everything in the container or body.


Very strange in my opinion. If someone could help me reset these weird hotkeys, which should by no means become changed in the first place, I would greatly appreciate it.

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I found the solution all i needed to do is to get a pc game controller to play it i used the logitech attack 3 model joy stick and the map error and all other errors will vanish and once again you can enjoy your game the errors will only vanish while the controller is plugged in to your computer Edited by Ryzerstar
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