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No potions have any effect


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I have encountered a peculiar problem yesterday night: Suddenly, my enchanting potions, old or newly crafted, would have no effect.... after some more digging today, I realized that absolutely no potions have any effect... Not even completely vanilla ones, like fortify alteration and other things I tested it with.

I did try looking up the issue, but failed to find a solution that would actually work.


What i tried, was disabling "Longer lasting potions" in case it is interfering with a perk of similar effect, and resetting both the alchemy and enchanting trees, in case something got stuck. Needless to say, my efforts proved to have been in vain.


Yesterday, i did install some new armor and weapon(Eternal Shine set, Skycutter, etc), but even after that, it worked. I am fairly certain that it stopped working after i used the "showracemenu" command to change some things, but I cannot say for certain as I have done some other inventory organization and the like between that and trying to enchant. The strange thing is, that even if i reload from before entering racemenu, the issue still persists.


What I have read may interfere, is the community uncapper, although it worked fine before. Other things that I think may influence it, are the modified skill trees and the longer lasting potions, although i did try disabling the latter.


I have attached my current load order. It is extensive, I am aware...



Some ideas would be appreciated, as this is severely inhibiting my ability to make gear that I can challenge the Daedra with... I used to be able to get the damage and armor values into the negative ranges, and now i am stuck on mere mortal levels...


Yours thankfully,

Nazamroth, Future Overlord of the World

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Load up your full load order in TES5Edit and look for conflicts in the "Ingestible" and "Magic Effect" sublistings. Start by looking at Skyrim.esm as your baseline mod and see what mod(s) in your load order are changing the records from the default values and go from there.

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