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Skyrim view system - A step backward?


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That mod is nice indeed thank you.One thing that is left to do is a mod that makes the character look where the camera looks.Like in the character creation where we can rotate the character´s head.
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Unfortunately, the 'F' key does nothing when the character is moving.


However, I have been able to get close to what I wanted by using the console command called 'animcam'. When this command is used in the console, the mouselook type view is activated and works while the character is moving. When using this, I can look in all directions horizontally and control zoom on the camera. Not quite what we used to have but fairly close and its made the game much more enjoyable for me when I am traveling through the beautiful scenery and looking for things to discover. I have a programmable keyboard, so I have made a key macro (`animcam<return>`) which turns it on and off as needed and have mapped it to a key that is right next to the movement keys. All in all it works pretty well.

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  • 11 months later...

Ok sooo, this Seamless Over Shoulder mod suggested by PsYchotic666Joker does NOT give what this forum is asking for.


from what i can see it only allows u to configure where the camera is positioned behind ur head. how far out from ur shoulder. and a fade fix. no where in this mod do i see the option to disable the auto-look-forward while moving or weapon drawn, like in Oblivion.


there is even a video the mod author provided right on his download page of him showing off his mod. and no where in that video does he look back at himself while moving or with weapon drawn.


ive seen utube videos of people doing this though, so SOMEONE knows how to disable it. COMMON people, Share the pleasure! how do u disable this????



Edited by spacedmonk
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OK found a mod that helps us alittle. . . .




this mod gives ur female characters a more sexy walk, but in the same mod it also does exactly what we are looking for. not perfectly but it does it.


only works if ur character is walking or running, as soon as u start Sprinting or pull a weapon out, the camera is forced back behind ur characters head.


but atleast u can do it while walking and running now. feels just like oblivion.


now all we need is for this mod to be tweeked to do this while sprinting with weapon out.


there is another problem with this mod ive noticed too. has to do with BBP.


when walking u can go left, right, foward, backward, and diagonaly in every direction, and the boobs will bounce perfectly.

however the second u switch to running. still works the same accept for walking diagonaly backwards. then the boobs kinda freeze. BBP stops working.


oh ya, and when pressing backwards while in running mode, even though ur caracter physicaly looks like she is running in a foward momentum, still cuts ur running speed in half or whatever. anyone know a mod that makes it so ur backward running is just as fast as ur forward running?

Edited by spacedmonk
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And why have the camera behave differently depending on what you are doing? I think it should be over the shoulder or behind the head all the time. This default system just causes odd situations and your "alter ego" getting spatially displaced when changing camera modes.


Personally I would prefer it to be behind the head all the time, but understand that some prefer over the shoulder.


I honestly don't care either way, but I absolutely hate how the camera zooms out when you go combat mode. It forces me to constantly readjust the distance as the camera always ends up too close or too far away from my character.

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