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full glass armour


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I recently went into the tower of dusk in ghost gate and killed the guy with full glass armour and took it, he also had the daedraic helm of inspiration, should i sell the helm for 13k and buy a glass helm to go with my outfit, or keep the helm of inspiration?
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you dont ned to buy a glass helm you can get them everywhere, glass is everywhere!


you can get a helm simply by going to the ald-ruhn fighters guild going down stairs

pick the door lock or use magic to open it i thinks a lvl75-80 lock then in a chest not the locked chest there is a glass helm,greeves and boots


or go to molar mar and go into the strong hold in the strong hold down stairs and almost everyone has full sets of glass armor.


to my knowledge of the deadric helmets god,terro,insperation they do nothing.

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my screen name is lionhockey72, i kno alot about morrowind ive been playin it since it came out on my xbox, i recently started a new charactor a few weeks ago, he is a dark elf, he is level 125 with most stats at 100 or above, i got 1074 hit points and over 200 magika, keep the face of inspiration it looks tight, if you want good helms get the masque of clavicus vile near dagon fell or the guy in godsreach (mournhold) he looks like a high hands guy but his armor is enchanted





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Darkelf's post deleted. It as exact repeat of what windex had said in an earlier post. Please read the replies before adding your own.


If you have Tribunal you can get glass armour made for you.


If you want specific pieces check out UESP. There is a helm in Bal Ur on the alter that you can pick up if you are strong enough to visit Deadric sites. There is also a thread about glass armour already so check that out. (I do recommend the search button it leads to a wonderous store of information).


Someone might like to add the enchantment points available of Daedric 'faces' (if any) to help Oipiah. I don't use them as I find them too heavy.

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