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CWO: USKP bug in USLEP Version


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Got a problem with ALL the various Civil War Overhaul updates to USLEP. LOOT tells me that

I need USKP installed in order for it to run. USKP and USLEP will not, of course, be sympatico.

Wonder if the problem is within the various updates to USLEP or is it a glitch caused my some

other mod, or ... ?


Before anyone chastises me, I did run a search on the FORUM but didn't locate my problem.

If it's there it didn't jump out and wave for my attention.


Never mind, found it. Basic compatibility problem with ...NPCs Reborn. Got rid of the npc

redo. My fault for not reading the whole NPC mod description. See kiddies, make sure

you read aaaall the instructions that come with the model kit.

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