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TESsnip Persistant cells help


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You can't delete certain objects via plugin. I don't know why. They will get moved to 0,0,0 but will persist. In the case of those objects, the best thing to do is move them outside the populated area of the cell. I'm not sure if this is your problem, you are too light on details. How did you try to move it? Did you move both the furniture and the activator? Why are you doing it via TESSnip instead of via console? Are you trying to move it, replace it, or delete it? You mention doing all three but you have to use different methods for each.
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You're just the guy I wanted a reply from :)


I've completely revamped Whiterun in a .esp because the console way is getting old and it is only .ess based it seems. Gotten to a point where I have changed everything (took 3 days..) and now I find that these damn weapons racks don't want to move.. Can move them in console, but that only evolves my .ess.


I have moved my walls in my .esp and I need the racks moved somewhere else, or deleted so I can attempt to make new ones. I've tried to move it a few ways, modifying the DATA location does nothing it seems, I tried modifying the NAME so I can change the Formid to see if being a different form will make moving it possible, that doesn't work.. which makes no sense because I can move a lot of persistent things, but weapon racks/paques seem to want to be a pain in the ass. Right now I just set their scale down to 0.01 to make them pretty much invisible but I'm obviously still having the ACT MSG showing for the Plaque papyrus.


You mention moving them outside the cell, What do you mean by this?


I have found that any item with a ragnoll to it can just have its ragdoll physics taken away, and then moved.. maybe there is something holding weapon racks the same way?


Also, I was wondering how you got your racks to activate in your solitute mod? and the mannequins, I haven't actually tested yours but I assume you got them to work? for the plaques I'm adding DB2a2 and DB2a3 as unique IDs.. get in game, they get their MSG etc but when I use SV in console the Activator Ref_Var isn't activating.. I can activate this with console but that kinda defeats the purpose. Even if I did add this with console I can't seem to get weapon to display on the rack. Ive tried even duplicating existing weapon racks, giving them different ids, moving them.. that still doesn't work, weapon either doesn't place properly or they don't work together.


I have this same issue with everything that activates like this, Bookshelves too.. they seem to create their own area to activate in and spawn there instead. are Xmarkers needed or something?


Is there no way to put all these activations etc into one Form ID? I find it very odd how Bethesda did this.. especially bookshelves, after figuring out how they actually work it is a complete headache.. I understand now why houses only have so many.. all this gets me very worried about how good this CK is going to be, I can make a better bookshelf then the developers did with the CK in their hands.. doesn't make sense, were they making shelves this same way? Half the bookshelves have their invisiblecollision marks waaaay off, if they have amazing tools for this, how does that happen?

Edited by Shawkab
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There is nothing special about weapon racks. One thing to try is to start a new game, or go back to a much earlier save, maybe one before you visited Whiterun, and see if the weapon rack is still behaving the same. Have you tried the plugin on different versions? I found v1.1.21 had some major problems with plugins, specifically adding references to a parent and not displaying new references. All else fails, you can send the plugin to me and I'll see what I can figure out.
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There is nothing special about weapon racks. One thing to try is to start a new game, or go back to a much earlier save, maybe one before you visited Whiterun, and see if the weapon rack is still behaving the same. Have you tried the plugin on different versions? I found v1.1.21 had some major problems with plugins, specifically adding references to a parent and not displaying new references. All else fails, you can send the plugin to me and I'll see what I can figure out.


Hmm, may have been 1.1.21.. Got my .esp up here.. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3192


Not sure what it is about racks, can't seem to get them to work right, the weapons just spawn in some random area. Ill test a new save etc.

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