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Flickering/Shimmering/Film Grain Grasses Bug (Vanilla game)


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I'll start with the images:


Vanilla (kind of hard to see in an image):



Then I used PRC and this makes it much more prevalent:


- Notice how some blades of grass are translucent in these images.


Graphical settings:

Ultra Everything with HBAO, Bokeh, & TAA


Card: Titan X


So there's this terrible flickering/shimmering on distant foliage that looks like a film grain effect covering all foliage. I've had this since I updated my gpu drivers at some point. I kept updating, hoping it would disappear with the next update of drivers. Can't remember the last version of drivers I had that worked. Not that it matters, since I formatted my computer and used the disc containing drivers that came with my gpu and the issue persisted. Tried other graphics cards (970, 780) and no dice either. Also tried those "solutions" in threads that you can find through google. Those don't work either. Honestly I'm just hoping that someone might be able give some insight into what is wrong since none of these other threads have images or anything for others to see for reference.

Edited by SurvivorJake
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I had this issue too when I downloaded this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5810/? It was unbearable but there was no solution online after hours of searching. I experimented for weeks and finally found the solution. I used this tool http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/? I pointed it to Fallout4 > Data > Textures > Landscape > grass folder, plants folder and trees folder, one at a time (back them up). I set the tool to resize any texture file greater than 2048 to reduce to 2048 (but that’s optional, you could set it to 4096), the key issue is that you tell it to create mipmaps, once all the textures have mipmaps the flickering and grain goes away. It worked for me, hopefully it will for you too.

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Hmm so the mipmaps may be being corrupted. Interesting. Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try.

Edit: Nah didn't work. I'm starting to wonder if it's a case of it always being there with me just noticing it at one point and now I can't un-see it.

Edited by SurvivorJake
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