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dropable gold coin mod


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Hello, i was just wondering if some modders could make gold coins dropable? cause i want to have an "pot of gold" or something like that in one of my homes in skyrim.


Would that be possible now before the toolkit?



I might be wrong but if its just for show, cant you do it the same way as the video where the guy is rolling cheese down the hill? If not, im sure you could replace another item with the coinmodel.


It would be a duct tape solution but maby would satisfy your needs.

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It might actually work :D


Edit: diddnt work, i couldnt find the ID of the gold coin.


oh thats easy to do, all you have to do is open the console and type:

player.placeatme F X


X= the amount of gold you want...WARNING do NOT i repeat NOT spawn more than a 1000 at a time,

it will freeze your game like desert lizard on the south pole during a storm

and this with a seriously OP computor

Edited by Rothyn
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