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Stardew Valley

API not working keeps crashhing


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After steam updating stardew valley the Stardew modding api keeps crashing as it loads.

Anyone facing this issue? Any idea how to fix it?

Mods i downloaded

1. Player Birthday

2. Bath house hot spring mod

3. NPC Map location

4. Simple crop label

and some skin change ones






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The API loads fine for me. It's when I try to use the mods in game that the entire thing crashes for me. In specific, I'm trying to use the CJB Item Spawner and Cheat Menu. The shortcuts to open those menus are I and P, but when I press either in game, it crashes for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After steam updating stardew valley the Stardew modding api keeps crashing as it loads.

Anyone facing this issue? Any idea how to fix it?

Mods i downloaded

1. Player Birthday

2. Bath house hot spring mod

3. NPC Map location

4. Simple crop label

and some skin change ones




Make sure you downloaded the correct version of SMAPI. For steam extract the contnts in Smapi into the stardew valley folder then extract mods into mods folder then launch modded stardew valley.

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