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FXAA injector AND FPS Limiter?


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Hello, this was the best place I could think of to go. There are a couple of mods I use for a few of the games I have, like the FXAA injector and FPS Limiter. In case some people aren't familiar, they are d3d9.dll files that go into the game's main directory and hook into the executable at launcher, applying their effects. These two are popular when it comes to Skyrim, and indeed I want to use them for Skyrim but because of how they work I can only use one or the other. I've been using the FPS Limiter because my computer doesn't have the snuff to play the game at 60+ and I would rather have a constant framerate then a highish one that's all over the place. I would also like to use an enhanced FXAA (using default currently) to improve visual quality and potentially add some other post processing effects (also, there is the matter of FXAA 4 that will be coming out).


Long paragraph short, is there a way to launch multiple d3d9.dll hooks into the same game at once? I've heard of launchers that do that for specific games, but I haven't seen one for Skyrim. Also I would like one to work passively, as in all I have to do is launch the game (I have no problem is using a .bat file for this, do it all the time for games I don't have in Steam). For anyone who can help, thank you in advance.

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