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Jumping while sprinting... ?


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You could mod the sprint key to simply speed up walking (to the equivalent of sprinting). The animation would look ridiculous but it would work.


Or maybe a mod that "forces" the player to jump when the sprint and jump key are presed simutaneously.


I dunno, I would think that unless serious modding work is put into it, the only way to have something like this is to have a workaround.


The game is as moddable as it is because of these limitations. Look at videos of what the Uncharted (for the ps3) game engine looks like- especially around the level design. You can't just make a level in that game because almost every part of the environment is scripted for interaction.


As far as climbing, you could PROBABLY put in something simple along the lines of saints row, infamous or crackdown's climbing system (which was kind of how climbing in the other elder scrolls was done. You'd have to make an interactable object such as a tree or ladder and script it for climbing or grabbing but it wouldn't allow near the freedom you're hoping for. Not without major changes to the game engine. It'd be a novelty at best.

Edited by MalachXaviel
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