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Is there an easy way to editing existing armors?


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I've got an already finished mod, an overall and I want to cut off and remove the top part so I am left with a pair of pants.

Is there an easy way to do this?

Also I am supposed to cut out every part of the mainbody which is covered by armor.


I can't make Blender accept nif files and even if I use .obj files I would have to repaint weights and all again.


So what is the best way to go about it? I already read the tutorials but they just link me to files that aren't there anymore.


I want to be able to do this:



without having to do that:


Edited by Sero141
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You can try these tutorials:




If you just want to modify slightly a vanilla armour I'd say Outfit Studio would be the easiest way of doing it. But I am used to Blender and I prefer having total control on what I am doing :)

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I already read those a dozen time and I tried to install Blender in six different ways, none works. The links inside those tutorials also just send me to files that aren't there anymore.

And most importantly none of the blender setups is able to import Nifs successfully.


I can covert the nif to .obj but that looses me all the weight painting and more importantly when I try to get them back into a nif they are blown way out of proportion to the point where the original Nif files are as big as the lower arm.


I understand how this might be your first thought but i am no fool, I know how to google and that is the first thing that pops up.


No, I don't want to edit vanilla outfits, I know how Outfit Studio works I created a mod with that.


The problem I have is that the body keeps clipping with the "hidden" parts. I know what I need to do to fix that and how. I just need a way to edit nif files directly but the blender addons don't do that job. Every time I try that I only get an error-message about some line beeing to long.


I was asking for an easy way since the obvious way doesn't work.


I know you are trying to help and I am sorry if I sound ungrateful, it's just that I have been grinding my gears trying to get it to work properly for the past five days and you are telling me to "Check whether the plug is in".

Edited by Sero141
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Would you not use Outfit Studio's 'Zap Slider' feature for this?


If you want to go the Blender route you need a modern version of it, currently 2.78, so as to utilize FBX import/export. It doesn't work perfectly, but it can usually do the job.

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Thanks, Galvon94,

I think the Zap sliders are exactly what I was looking for.


I also now know how to properly export .obj. Thanks, the_rotten_core.

My mistake was using NifSkope to export the files.


Now I feel very stupid but also I know a bit more.


Thank you all for your help.

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