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Cant Sprint in settlement building mode


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I think maybe that has to do with two things 1. The picky way things load in FO4 && 2. A general lack of knowledge of that by mod authors. The reason why is that some mods used to do that from changes made to the game, but later on it was removed. So just a theory, is something you have is outdated or perhaps just lacking a little bit of knowledge/experience polish in it's own development. It's still a bug though apparently. I don't have to use this an other people don't either, because what they were using has increased it's ability to make changes an not do this. You being the end user though it's really up to you, we just got lucky is all so don't feel so bad. Fix taken from the community, listed below.


(taken from Scrap Everything)


sprinting bug - Use the .ini file provided or add fPlayerDisableSprintingLoadingCellDistance=0 to your Fallout4Custom.ini under the [Gameplay] heading (if the heading or the file doesn't exist, create it).


To use this mod across the entire wasteland (with mods that let you build anywhere) change the following line in your fallout4.ini (under the heading [general] ): bUseCombinedObjects=1 to bUseCombinedObjects=0

Edited by BipolarOne
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