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Huge FPS Loss For No Reason


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Hey guys so i have a computer runnning a gtx 980 16gb ram intel core i5 4570 3.20 ghz with a 750 watt power supply and im getting a huge fps loss in fallout 4 and skyrim a like. They are fresh installs and no mods at all and they run like crap any ideas?

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Here's some ideas and hope you will find true solutions to your problems.



- You're using 4k resolution and your game settings are way too high and you didn't let the games utilize/recognize your GPU.


- you probably running lots of background programs when you run those games.


- Must be virus or malware or spyware slowing down your PC.


- you just hit " alt tab " keys. Bethesda games usually don't like that. It will cause temporary fps loss



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What version o.s. are you using, and do you have the latest drivers installed for your gpu?

Your system should be running both those games pretty well if they are in a vanilla state.

With Fallout 4, what's the average fps you get? There are a number of areas (particularly Downtown Boston) where you will get fps drops due to the area being built-up, combined with Bethesda's lack of optimization.

It's very strange that a fresh install (i.e. minus mods) is performing badly. If you haven't already, you should run an optimized defragmentation of the hard drive that they are installed on.

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I have the latest update for windows 10 64 bit and i just redownloaded my gpu drivers and geforce experience. And on average its like 30-45 in sanctuary hills and worse in city areas. i played for alittle and it seemed fine but then it dropped again to the low end.

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I'm guessing that you have the latest game updates installed too, but if not you should update. With your setup, I'm surprised that your not getting at least 50-55fps in Sanctuary on a vanilla install. The only things I can think of suggesting; check your background apps (as well as those programs that are running immediately after the o.s. has booted) to make sure that they're not hogging system resources, and close those that aren't necessary.

Verify the game cache via Steam to rule out possible performance issues caused by missing dependancies.

Do any other games you have run fine except for Skyrim and Fallout 4? Might be worth running some performance/stress tests on your cpu, gpu and ram to rule those out as possible causes

Possibly might be worth defragging your hdd/ssd if it needs it.

I've heard that certain overlays/programs running whilst you play can inhibit performance (but can't remember which ones are culprits sorry, so not sure if geforce is one of them)

and finally as a last resort, have a look through the forums to see if anyone else has encountered similar issues on a vanilla install; it's quite likely that you might find a better answer there than what i can provide.

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The game does that with Nvidia. Most of the time it runs as whatever it wants to run at. It's more important that it is smooth. So take the character an start walking a direction to see if you notice the walk animation glitching out in the arms particularly. If that looks smooth it's good. It's not a shooter, it's not an RPG, it's a console port. So you'll just have to make adjustments. Some people will disable Vsync mode, there's a 0, 1, and 2 setting for that, but in the past there has always been a cost for doing that. Namely the physics engine will speed up an slow down to match frame rate, or some other symptom of having them unlocked.

Then Some players ran Nvidia's adaptive framerate to override it. You would do that on Nvidia control panel program setting (or a program profile) if you run it global you'll have to switch it all the time for other games (which sucks) hence the profiles, use them. Another way I'm quite fond of is Bandicam, just set what the frame rate should be an it sticks there, though I've only tested it for 24, 25, and 30 FPS. Dealing with that it seems going into the game pausing it and Alt Tab out/in to the game will allow the frame rate to stabilize to what I have set it to. This seems to clear up stutter. There also was a mod that added a batch file which trades some FPS loss due to ultra rays.

I use Nvidia Control Panel settings + the game's settings + the configurator settings + ENB + Bandicam basically. It was always a pesky game to set though, and get running well. I have a copy of Nvidia settings I'll paste below, hope it helps.

AO - Not Supported (grayed out)
AA - FXAA ON (it's just ENB polish)
AA - Gamma ON
AA - Mode Application Controlled (for TAA)
AA - Setting Application Controlled (for TAA)

CUDA - GPUs Use Global (All)
MP-RF - Use the 3D application setting
MFAA - Use Global Setting (off) (exe set for older games)
M-D/M-GPUA - Single Display Performance Mode
PMM - Use global setting (Optimal Power) Needs to be exe set, whoops AMERICAH!

Shader Cache (pronouced cash :tongue:) - On
TF-ASO - Off (from HQ AF setting)
TF-NLOD Bias Clamp (I doubt FO4 uses this, whoops)
TF-Quality - High Quality (higher quality 4X or 8X beats 16X which is beyond 50 feet kind of a waste IMO)
TF-TO - On (I have no idea how that got turned on)

Threaded Opt - Use Global (auto)
Tripple Buffering - On (cause VSYNC & Havok)
Vertical Sync - Use the 3D application setting
VRPRF - Use Global setting (1) who cares?

Configurator @ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/102/?

fAutoVanityIncrement 0.1000 (Set it lower so the vanity camera wouldn't make me dizzy)

mouse sensitivity 0.0075 (adjustable to mouse) Fix sensitivity ratio & ADS 2.1363
Enable Plugins & Invalidate Archives

4 core CPU, Particle Count 1280 (a little higher than 750 was needed for true storms, 1024 might have worked, I didn't try)
Sun update & timescale 0.0025, then shadows are better now, you would play with it. It's like a last decade game right now, shadows stop just after the immediate view distance of the player character camera. Yeah I admit it's glitched, but it worked so I didn't care to adjust it further yet, the DIR distance just got added to the configurator too. I've personally used all manor of settings for shadows an most of the time it glitched out. In testing though I only really needed about 2500 game units of high detailed shadows, but I don't have any of that tested, just the glitched settings I use. We can ~tfc to see the shadows working, just move up, an it's a massive area, but we see they quickly fade into low detail LOD versions.

Glitched Current
Resolution 2048
Draw Distance 8192
DIR Distance 2048
Shadow LOD 128

Resolution 2048
Draw Distance 10000
DIR Distance 2500 ,5000 ,7500 ???
Shadow LOD 48, 58, 128, 256 ???

Resolution 2048
Draw Distance 8192
DIR Distance 4096
Shadow LOD 58

Sliders are based roughly 50% more than Nvidia recommendations for actors except for grass, all the little stuff like grass is matched to that 3000
Objects 20
Items 6
Actors 10
Grass 3000

Bokeh gets turned off from the launchers addition of HBAO on Nvidia, and the launcher sets that HBAO, Ultra debris gets set in launcher too. 90 FOV (which might be a bad idea/preference) Custom Camera, Vanity Min 40 Max 280 Pitch 0, Zoom 1 Increment 0.1250 Then X to 36 & Z to 18 to make it like FO3/FNV, but it's adjustable. Only works with Take Cover dynamic cam disabled (in my experience) Recommended Texture Loading Distance, but most of the rest an some above is just preference.

Subtle ENB, made to work with True Nights, which was made to work with True Storms, as a package group. Though it would have been better to just get the default Subtle ENB an turn DOF on an off as I wanted inside the ENB settings, but Subtle had a DOF off version I used.

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