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Greatsword Blade Extensions.


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I love Skyrim. I love most things about it, however, I have one nuisance that bothers me every time I play the game.

I'm a Greatsword/2h/Claymore fan. I always enjoy using two-handed swords. This is where I feel Bethesda really faltered in Skyrim because I find while they were trying to 'make combat more realistic', they added a bunch of unbalanced weaponry. And I've had to download attack animation mods, but that's not why I'm posting this.


That said, I think the iron/steel/skyforge steel greatswords have to short of a blade length. I prefer my 2h swords on the bigger side, about as tall as an adult. Is there any way someone can do a mod to increase their length a bit. Maybe about a foot or so (IG Wise)?


TL:DR - Greatsword blades too short. Possible to make a bit longer? About


Also, I've seen Sephiroth's Masamune and Berserk sword, so I know it must be possible to simply to this, especially since it's just the original weapon texture and mesh. ( In case you're wondering why I didn't like those, I don't care for anime weapons in my WRPGs )

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