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Useful Settlements (aka Settlements with Consequences)...


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The obvious use of settlements can be found in provisions, scrapping, and safety. However, it seems that many of us believe settlements have a LOT more potential.


I'd like to propose a system that REWARDS players more explicitly (and immediately) for building settlements (and penalizes for an undefended attack).


As an example, building a settlement (and recruiting "x" amount of settlers) would result in the immediate acquisition of a skill, mod, attribute increase...you name it. Failing to defend a settlement successfully would result in a penalty (for example, a permanent loss in an attribute or a "demoted" skill).


I'm not certain how feasible this might be--however, all of this seems to be potentially available through the game.


It might even be interesting to include unlocked skills (limited by skill level) in the list of potential rewards (but this might be OP for some).


I'd just like to see Settlement Consequences with more "punch."

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