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Dragon Wings?


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Hi there


I know this is like impossible right now without the creation kit or w.e but I just had the idea and I didn't want to lose it, plus I wanted to know if someone supported it.


First of all, i'm not talking about Flying wings, that would be too damn hard to make (the flying system) then I mean "decoration" wings, or some magic wings that give you walking speed or something related with movement.


The thing is, we defeated Alduin, we became to call it somehow "the king of Dragons", The legendary Dovahkiin,..... then most of people would love to have a shout to become dragon and be the true king. that's really hard to do. other people would suggest ridding a dragon, that would be awesome too but hard to make again because of a "flying system"


Then, since we are humans...or well something like humans for some races XD (I mean we're not dragons!), how about we can only have some sort of scaled wings? maybe we can have them for a short period of time using a shout? and then there would be a nice short animation like the transformation of werewolf but spreading wings...



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