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Hrolfdir's shield quest bug (?)


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Hi everyone. I have what seems to be a bug, and i already read that this questline is buggy. I think i went through Markarth quests in wrong order, i first did some not important quests not inked to thane thing, then i did 3 quests from Raerek (they were kind of weird because each time i came to finish quest and then wanted to ask if he have something new he just were talking about being Igmund's uncle and such but after i re-entered he gave me another quest) and after that i did one quest from Igmund and now i cant get any new quest from any of them. Raerek just keeps talking about some trivial things and Jarl don't have any conversation options about any quests. How can i fix it? Do i need to kill more Forsworn for them and if yes then how get new quests? Can fix it somehow? I wanted to be Thane of Markarth and buy house there :(


EDIT: I think i already finished all possible quests in Markarth and still nothing, can someone please help? I guess i would have to use the console to start that quest? and if yes then what is the command?

Edited by JakubDaviau
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Please i tried commands to activate quest but they dont seem to work and i cant get any more quests from either jarl or that other guy and still jarl wont give me this damn quest about that shield and if i understand correctly i need to do that quest first to get thane quest and be able to buy a house.
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Please i tried commands to activate quest but they dont seem to work and i cant get any more quests from either jarl or that other guy and still jarl wont give me this damn quest about that shield and if i understand correctly i need to do that quest first to get thane quest and be able to buy a house.
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