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I need ALOT of help!!

Lucifer 10

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:ranting: Okay this thing is really irritating me!!


I need ALOT of help. There's a few things I need help with. I need to know some basic script commands like:


-When the Main Character is so close to the NPC then such thing happens

-If the Main Character presses enter when near the NPC facing towards him then such thing happens

-Open a message screen

-Entering combat when the Main Character attacks the NPC

-Picking things up and if people care

-Picking things up and if poople don't care

-Opening containers and having items appear


That's all the script help I need. Now two more things...

Animation Creators, can anyone suggest a good one that will work with the Construction Set??

Creating Inventory Images, I need to know a good program that will provide the ability to create... them... (Inventory Images)

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If you're talking about creating new images/models, you'll be needing the 3dsmax program. That's the good news. The bad news is that the full version (the one you can actually export the finished project and use it) is probably more expensive than your computer (about $3,000).


Your best be would be to artistically draw out what you need, and request help from some of the experts on this site. There are some excellent ones depending on what you need.

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so what your saying is, I should draw out what I need, scan it, and re-post in this thread? I don't think that would be much trouble, oh and if your wondering (Tell me if you thinking I'm wasting my time) I am creating - dont ridicule me to much for this? -

a Star Craft morrowind MOD. bring in the insults...


I'll accept the following:


-No life

-No friends


as they are all true

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hahaha starcraft?? that brings back memories...actually i played it fairly recently. that game is awesome me and my friends had a blast playing that game. i dont know if this is the best game for starcraft, but anyways ill help you with some of those scripts...:


-getting the distance, If ( "put the ID of the person/object to be close to"->GetDistance, player == the distance )


-there isnt any function that i know that can detect if you pressed enter...

line of sight,

If ( "object to determine line of sight from"->GetLOS, "the thing in the line of sight" == 1 ) (1 means its in the line of sight, 0 means its not


-message box thingy: put this:

MessageBox, "put your message here", "if you need buttons such as OK," "another button"


the last like four dont need scripts:

-when the pc attacks an npc, it automatically switches to combat mode and attacks the pc. if u mean something else tell me


-to make them get mad/acquire bounty when u pick something up, when your in the CS double click the item in the render window and there will be a box for owner ship, select the owner from the drop down box


-to make them not care, you dont have to do anything, just place it in the game


-go to the tab for containers in the cs and make a new container/make a new ID for an existing container then add stuff to the container by keeping the window of the container ur editing up, then drag stuff to it.(if ur looking for something else again just specify)


good luck man if u need any help just ask

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is probably more expensive than your computer (about $3,000).

sounds like 5times more than my pentium 3, still, i can brag about being Old School :P


although, 3ds is a tricky program to use, my friends call it easy, but when they say they just made a pr0n star, with individual hair strain things, all i see is 2 big circles and a line....literally.

but, if you choose to blow 3,000, be prepared to spend alot of time learning the program...dont do what i did, borrow it off your cousins, then they say you can keep it, then dont use it...

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