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Perk Idea Brainstorm for my Overhaul


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Hi everyone, I'm currently making a perk tree overhaul with 10 ranks in every single perk. Currently I have redone Animal Friend, Idiot Savant, and Aquaboy and a few others.


An example for perk ideas is what I did with Animal Friend. I spread it out it's 3 or 4 basic perks by double spacing them at rank 2 4 6 8, than came up with perks in between that made the Perk itself at rank 10 it's own kind of playstyle. I've added the ability for you to martyr commanded animal friends, causing them to flash for 3 seconds and detonate a frag grenade explosion when you aim and click E on them whilst in combat.


For Idiot savant, i made the same style skill, where on exp gain something random triggers, but I added in effects for all special stats except luck. When the strength one triggers, it will do the stupid idiot savant laugh, but it flashes the strength pipboy animation instead of the idiot savant one. Rank 9 and 10 add on to the bonus experience by giving 5x xp with a double kill within 3 seconds, and a random chance 10x xp for a triple kill within 5s.


There is no guarantee your idea will be used in the overhaul, and what idea's are posted in this thread are posted with the understanding that this is a brainstorm and idea's certainly WILL be used. If you are intellectually protective with your idea, and think it's a gem, than save it for yourself. Other than that, GET WACKY!!! the thing I really missed in fo4 from fo3/fnv was the sense of Zany-ness and late night sleep deprived sugar high humor.

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