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Removing effects through ingestibles


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Yes, I added an effect in the game by using the 50MG incendiary round script set, and it all worked fine,


But when i tried to add a removal of the effect through ingestibles (I used the antivenom script set as a base) all I get is the label on the item, but it does not remove the effect.


Does anyone know what I'm missing, or if this kind of thing is doable?


Just for ease of understanding, the effect I added was "open wounds" a bleeding style effect on some weapons which damages health over time, the removal effect I labeled "close wounds" and added to my mods bandages.. The bleeding part works fine (on pc and npcs) but the removal part fails to remove the effect.

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Oh, I see, It would probably be easier at this stage to find a way to remove object effects (yes it's an object effect) is there a "dispel" effect for object effects too?


Thanks for the reply, worst comes to worst, I can alter all the references to an actor effect (but that's a lot of backtracking I'd prefer to avoid).

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Hmm, changing it to an actor effect doesn't seem to fix the problem. The "open wounds" actor effect still persists after I use an ingestible with the attached "close wounds" effect (which is scripted to dispel the new, actor effect version of open wounds).


Weird stuff.. It doesn't want to be dispelled at all.


Are there any other suggestions?


(I tested it in game and it is definitely the actor effect version that won't be removed)


The "open wounds" actor effect does;


1 health damage per second if the subject is moving or has a weapon out.

1 health damage per second if the subject is above 10% health.

1 head damage and 2 torso damage per second if the subject is below 10% health and,

restores 1 health per second if the subject is crouching, not moving and has their weapon sheathed.


This is attached via script to ammunition and most "bladed" weapons.


This is the script i am using to remove the effect;


scn thenewclosewoundscript


begin ScriptEffectStart



Dispel 0000bleeding




It is attached to a base effect which has it an associated script, this base effect is attached to some healing ingestibles. (in the same fashion as Antivenom)


EDIT; I just noticed the compiled script.. I have no idea what that is all about.

I assume that it is supposed to be set (somehow) to match the script..??

God I wish I wasn't such a noob.

Edited by adman85
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Ok so I added this effect to a perk instead and glossed it up a bit (under the title "health conditions", which has varying effects depending on your current health percentage).


Now I have two problems..


1. While this perk is attached to the PC, he or she cannot sleep or wait as they are technically "taking health damage" due to a function in the perk that makes the PC start losing health when it falls below 60% max health. Even when the player is not physically taking damage due to the effect (the effect doesn't even show up in the stats page until at 60% or less health) he or she cannot rest.




2. I can only seem to attach this to the PC, so NPC's are not affected at all :(


so I guess my new questions are..


How do I get around the "Cannot wait while taking health damage" message (so the PC could technically die while waiting if the conditions were right)


And how do I attach this perk to all (non robot) NPC's and creatures? (can you even put a perk on a creature?)

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