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MOD requests


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Hi, here are my mod requests.


1. A better combat system akin to Dark Souls/Demon Souls


I feel that Skryim is much too easy and really needs some tweaking done so that the enemies are smarter, not just filled with more HP. Dragons should be less frequent but devastating...near the monstrosity that they hold in Dark Souls. Skeevers should be nimble and hard to catch. Human fighters should be adaptive. They should look at your actions and react in a smart manner. Ultimately, we need to do two things. Either gimp all of the weapons and powers in Skyrim or make the enemies stronger AND smarter. And it's not about the difficulty setting, it's more about the fact that the enemies are just not very bright.


2. Stronger, more devastating dragons...that come less frequently.


3. Objectives and quests should be categorized by area. It would be nice if all of the quests are categorized by those in Whiterun, Riverwood, etc. so that there is less running around.


4. Appropriate penalties-


If I steal a wooden bowl from a tavern, why does the whole town come after me with swords and shields? There should be a different way of approaching this. It just seems odd that people go through so much extreme measures.


5. A voice-over for Farengar Secret-Fire. Farengar is quite possibly the worst...absolutely F-ing worst actor I have ever heard in a video game. I would love it if there was a way to have someone else voice his lines and implement it in the game. If that won't work, mute the mother-fer. But ideally, I'd like a voice-over. Is it even possible?


6. More variety in caves. Why is every cave filled with draugrs and nothing else? It would be nice if there was a bit of variety.

Edited by Dracomies
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I think the actor who voices Farengar (and a few other characters as well) was probably not a professional actor. Possibly a friend or relation to someone on the developer team. The fact that there appears to be nowhere on the internet that names him is a bit of a clue.


I could be wrong though, in which case he needs a new line of work, because acting certainly aint for him.






Well turns out I was wrong. According to IMDb HERE, his name is Jim Cummings and he provided the voice for Winnie the Pooh. All I can say now is that in my opinion, his performance for Skyrim is simply awful!

Edited by StannieDum
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