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Cannot get an average FPS higher than 30 (6950HD 2GB & Phenom II 3


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This is weird. Suddenly the situation reversed. Now my GPU became the bottleneck and not my CPU. Even after reinstalling Skyrim, vanilla INI files, no mods and testing different ATI drivers (also used driver sweeper).

I really cannot figure out what changed on my system. Do not remember changing anything else besides Skyrim related files.


Now at exterior areas my FPS will not go over ~40 FPS and my GPU load is mostly 100%, using vanilla textures and INI etc. Temperature of all my components are okay (factory recommended temperatures).


What I did before this happened:

3 days ago: My GPU load never exceeded 65%, CPU bottlenecked. Max GPU memory about 0.8GB (Read previous postings)

2 days ago: Installed all hires texture mods from STEP. CPU still bottlenecked. Max GPU memory about 1.8GB.

Yesterday: Updated latest STEP and installed TESTVAL. GPU load almost always 100%. Extreme lag caused by texture swapping but an 5 FPS increase.

Today: Removed Skyrim, reinstalled skyrim. Removed Skyrim INI. Removed ATI drivers, reinstalled 11.12. GPU load is still almost always 100% and GPU memory about 1.9GB.

Also tried different ATI drivers. No improvements. The game stutters mostly when turning and I see textures popping in. Putting Data (using mklink) on SSD does not improve the situation.


Please see attached screenshot.


Anyone know what the problem could be?

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Are you entirely sure you deleted the texture pack from your system? The files wont automatically delete when you uninstall the game. The files may still be there.


Yes. I am sure I did. Actually I managed to fix my problems and got from 20 FPS to 45 FPS when looking at the tree from the highest step of the stair at Dragonreach.

This with uGridsToLoad set at 7 and FOV set to 75


I wrote down everything I did in the following post (the one you replied on):



Update: Also forgot to say that I am using all hires mods from STEP. I've got no issues anymore.

Edited by machuidel
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