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Legal issue


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Hey everyone,


I have created a mod that changes sound files of the shout Unrelenting Force to quotes from the Knigts of Ni, from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I´m not Michael Palin, and hence do not own the files, nor do I have his explicit permission to use it. Hence, I haven´t uploaded it yet.


Browsing through the Nexus (FO3 and FNV mostly) I found many mods that add songs to either Fallout´s radio stations. I somehow doubt the authors of said files asked each and every artist of those songs. So should I? Or is there a legal difference between music and sounds from movies?


Please help me out, I would very much like to release it to the public.

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The songs were probably made available for general use under creative commons licensing. Also, soime things, books and songs specifically, can become part of the public domain after a period of time. My suggestion would be don't upload your file here. There are many sites that will take it. If you can, try and send an email to the monty python guys. Find an official or semi-official site and try to get in touch with somebody who will be willing to give you the go ahead.
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Yep finger crossed !!!

Even if your mod isn't available anymore, lot of us will remember it... The most hilarious mod ever released !!!

And don't forget :

Always look on the bright side of life (whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle...)

Cause with any luck you'll receive a mail from Palin himself !

Well, not sure but i wish you the best for it


Thanks again everytime i shout ingame, i die with laughter in front of my screen.

Edited by SharanisKhan
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