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Lazy *** Thieves Guild Members


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Honestly suprised this mod hasn't been made sooner

(some back ground)
I've been replaying skyrim pre-enhanced edition release, been doing my favourite playstyle (thief) and been playing through the thieves guild.
Completed it. but now I, as guildmaster, other than having to do odd jobs around the guild to improve it, I don't see anyone pulling their weight. If anything I only see the occational thief around getting caught/killed and honestly, if I could, I'd fire every single one of them. But I'm a lenient guild master...

(the mod itself)

I would love the ability to set my underlings missions to do and they gain XP and abilities from doing so. They leave the guild for a set amount of time and then they return based on a % of difficulty and their skill with ether a scuessful mission (XP,money and loot) or a fail (injury,slows down their XP)
I know there's the 'start your own guild' mod already out, but I'd love something that works specifically with the thieves guild

I'd do it myself but I'm terrible at making mods.

If someone chooses to follow their dreams and help a guild master out, I'd be eternally greatful.

and best of luck to you

much love
Thespianhunter xoxo

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  • 3 months later...
Very valid. Becoming the leader of ALL the major factions??? Not lore friendly or even fun to play. The outcome of being leader doesn't pays off, and does not, by a long shot, gets close to the importance of the work of the guild masters prior the Dovahkiin election as Master, Harbinger, Arch Mage or whatever it is depending on the guild. I love the game but, that seems like lazy design for me.
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