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Interior to exterior infinite loading screen


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So I'm currently 23 hours in my save and I play with around 150 mods.
I never had any problems before, except a few CTDs (probably because of memory).
But lately I have been getting issues.
Since a few hours I started to have problems when going to interior locations to exterior locations. And the problem is the famous infinite loading screen.
Also, it always occurs when I completed a quest objective in said interior.

So far it happend on these locations:

- Driftshade Refuge, during the quest "Purity of Revenge". I kill all the Silver Hand, get the fragments and when I exit, infinite loading screen
- Eldergleam Sanctuary, during the quest "The Blessings of Nature". I get the sap, kill all the spriggans and when I exit, infinite loading screen

- Castle Volihar, after bringing home Serena with "Bloodline", becoming a vampire lord and starting the quest "The Bloodstone Chalice"


Maybe something important, and where the problems seem to have started;
I managed to exit Driftshade Refuge the very first time. I fast travelled to Whiterun, to continue the quest (the funeral). I ran towards Jorrvaskr. When I was in the cloud district, my game had a few lag spikes and CTDed.
After that, I loaded up my save (which was just after retrieving the fragments, in Driftshade) and that's when the infinite loading when exiting started.
I tried a couple of more time to load it and exiting. Same result. Than I tried loading other saves within Driftshade, same result.
Than I tried the save from before entering Driftshade and ran the dungeon again. Same result.
So I loaded up that save again and decided to leave it be and go on playing, and I could.
Than I encountered the same issue in Eldergleam, where I tried the same. So I also loaded the save before entering and didn't enter again.

I really want to be able to exit and finish all those quests... What could the problem be?

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i had some problems to with CTD near whitrun and palace of the Kings and sometimes going in or out a house.

my solution what worked for me was to delete the Hightexture package 1 2 and 3 in your loadorder by opening SKSE.exe and click Data

search for those 3 packs and hit the delete button and try playing. i was playing 6 hours straight and no CTD and the loading time decreased as wel:)

maybe those 3 files conflict with other texture mods you using:) i hope it helps!

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Hmmmm... I don't really think that's it. It wouldn't make sense.
If it was the Hightexture package, I would have had this problem much earlier and not 20 hours in the game.
I'm starting to think it's related to "Even Better Quest Objectives".
Because that's the only thing they had in common; a change in the quest objectives

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