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Possible fix for sudden CTD


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Hi Guys


I maybe have a solution for the sudden CTD specialy near Whiterun, Palace of the kings and Falktreath jarls house.

After some ENB problems i decided to uninstall every single mod i have installed (150) and start over.I even reinstalled

Skyrim so i would start fresh. This time i decided not to use any ENB after my last problems with it.I only used the Skyrim

2K textures and flora overhaul mods for the game to look nicer .I also installed a lot of player upgrades (see load-order).So with this

set up i started to play and i was pleased about the results no stutter, no tearing and no CTD. UNTILL... I wanted to go to

Whiterun, but every single time i came near Whiterun POEF CTD..Same goes for Palace of the Kings and the Jarls house in Falktreath.

This time i was confused, because why does it crash?! I had a fresh install!! I went searching for any solutions

but none where given. But i remembered an article about textures and about the fact people underestimate the damage it can do to the game.I went

searching in my loadorder what could cause my CTD's and i deleted the Hightexture updates 1 2 and 3 and i started playing.

Guess what, 6hours into the game and no single CTD.I can go to whiterun ect without crashing, even the loading time is decreased.

I dont know if it works for you but you sure can give it a try :smile: Maybe it conflicts with one of your texture mods.


I uploaded my loadorder because im just a newb modder and maybe my solution is not optimal, if i have some conflicting mods in my loadorder, please tell me :smile:

Edited by Vijin12
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