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Wont work?


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So ive always had this problem with Deadly Dragons, it always told me, when using the reproccer for skyrim redone, that i was missing a master for deadly dragons. The master was USLEP. but it was clearly installed. So i got tes5edit and fixed my load order, and it worked, so i went to get immersive armors, got that working, but then i ran into this stupid Deadly Dragons thing again. So i fix my load order a million times, nothing happens, i mess around a bit, same result so i re-install the mod, and sure enough my stupid nexus mod manager crashes. Its really getting me pissed off. i just wanna play skyrim with deadly dragons, is it that hard for f*#@s sake, but anyways.


It gave me a report, so I'm gonna put that in this so you can see.





Any help would obviously help me (probably because any help is help nonetheless) but i would really appreciate it.





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