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Skyrim Keeps Crashing When I Get Near Honningbrew Meadery


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My game keeps crashing when I fast travel/approach Honningbrew Meadery. It doesn't crash fast travelling/going anywhere else.


I have mods installed and running, so I feel like it has to be one of the ones enabled, but I loaded the game through the regular launcher and not SKSE and it still had the same problem.


I've uninstalled/reinstalled the game and NMM.




Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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Well, Buttrammer, I would suggest taking a look at this guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/troubleshooting_guide (scroll down to the section on "CTD in a particular location"). You can also try loading the game vanilla (no mods activated) and see if the issue occurs there, if so you will need to verify the game cache through Steam.

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