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Musket Mod For Skyrim


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And now, I want to import a modern gun into Skyrim, just 'cause.


Make it one of those God items and play a pompous, arrogant ass.


"Oh so you think you can take me in a fight, eh? Well take this! *bang* How'd you like that, mother *****? Oh yeah, you can't answer. You dead."


"Lemme guess, someone stole your sweet roll?"

"No, but someone is about to steal some lead"

"Huh? What's lead?"


"Lead, meet dumbass, dumbass meet lead"


"I used to be an adventurer like you, till I took an arrow to the knee"

"You think that was bad? Try this!" *shoots guard in the knee* Guess you're gonna have to retire from guard duty now, eh. Baby.

Edited by Syco21
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don't worrie about loor, they fit in nicely n everyone saying that they skipped 500 years, who says timerians think the way we do.


anyhow, how u fancy p90's in skyrim. not very loor friendly but' wait, who's them guys wearing green coming thru that big blue water like portal o_O :D


good job on the rifle by the way. id also offer u help but my 3dmax is gone n a cant get a new 1 :( but will defo dl this.

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Regarding those people thinking about lore, or making this mod fit into the world of Tamriel...


The suggestions of having firearms a Dwemner technology makes the most sense, but as stated earlier in the thread, Dwemners used close combat mostly. It could be someone, who while searching dwemner cities found plans safely hidden, from failed experiments of a ranged weapon. And then the same person makes it his passion to develop upon this technology, to make it successful, and then: ALL the muskets!! Or the one musket. I think that scenario would make some sense, and then you might be able to throw a quest in there to receive the musket.


Anyways, AWESOME looking mod. May Talos guide you! :D

It should be rockin'.



The only lore-friendliness problem I see is what makes it bang. Think about it, no one on Nirn ever invented gunpowder - but why would they have to? They have MAGIC for goodness sake! Also, I see no reason why a rifle would have to be dwemer-make. It would be more likely to me that a bosmer, khajiit, or argonian would make them.


Okay, here's how you make it lore-friendly. An alchemist or one of the above races teams up with, say, a Nord or Orc smith (reason for being in Skyrim, perhaps), and THEY design a working explosive-projectile device. Why not? It doesn't have to be ancient arcane unearthed knowledge. Perhaps a person would have to have certain ingredients to make the ammo. Make it a quest, like all the other collection quests. Then you gotta come up with raw materials for the guns themselves, no biggie.


Stop thinking in terms of GUNPOWDER. This is Tamriel. I can take a clove of garlic, a pile of salt, and some juniper berries and make a potion that regenerates my health and mana. My gods, do you know how cool that would be IRL??? But - this ain't RL, this is Tamriel. There is no gunpowder there. But - there's chaurus chitin, skulls, powdered soul gems even... whatever ingredients you think up, it doesn't matter as long as it's reasonable in context of the game. They don't have to be existing ingredients - CK'll be out in a few days. It can be ore you mine from special iron ore veins... ANYTHING. Who needs gunpowder?


just my 2 cents...



Hey cool, have you thought about making a pistol? a front loading matchlock pistol might not be hard to animate and would have game utility... fire off one (highly damaging) shot then draw your sword.

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Lore wise there would never be firearms. Redguards have cannons, and Bretons have mortars, but mass produced muskets and such would not only be impossible to craft on a massive scale (the only scale early firearms are any good at) but would also be highly inaccurate (unless these are rifles, which I'd say would be even more out of their depth in terms of construction). Coupled with the fact that magic overrides any ballistic and there's not even a real need for most of the races to make them in the first place. And to be honest, even the Dwemer steam 'Industry' (IF there even was one) at their height couldn't even make what you pictured in the first picture.


Other than that, hope it works out and is fun. I didn't want to be a total downer.



I've been thinking about this a bit - what advantage would there be in a rifle-type weapon, when magic can do so much more? Well, if it's an alchemy-based weapon, it solves the issue - it can be a weapon that projects fire BUT DOESN'T REQUIRE ONE TO BE A MAGIC USER TO USE. Especially in "oh-gosh-it'smagic-it-must-be-evil!" Skyrim. If your local healer can whip up a powder/paste/potion that powers the weapon, it would be far more acceptable to the locals. Plus, push it as "fight fire with fire" anti-mage protection.


Manufacture? I seem to remember a term from somewhere - dwemer tubes. With all the ruins everywhere, scavenging parts wouldn't be too hard. Shoot, any redneck worth his salt can make a potato gun with enough duct tape. I think there could believeably be a skilled craftsman (in Markarth or Windhelm, say) who might be working with Calcemo to restore Dwemer artifacts (for the museum), and as a side project, develop this.


Think of it - a non-mage peasant could take a healer's potion and put it into one end of a metal and wood stick and make fire come out the other end. No spells. The only thing you gotta learn is where to point.

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And now, I want to import a modern gun into Skyrim, just 'cause.


Make it one of those God items and play a pompous, arrogant ass.


"Oh so you think you can take me in a fight, eh? Well take this! *bang* How'd you like that, mother *****? Oh yeah, you can't answer. You dead."


"Lemme guess, someone stole your sweet roll?"

"No, but someone is about to steal some lead"

"Huh? What's lead?"


"Lead, meet dumbass, dumbass meet lead"


"I used to be an adventurer like you, till I took an arrow to the knee"

"You think that was bad? Try this!" *shoots guard in the knee* Guess you're gonna have to retire from guard duty now, eh. Baby.


I approve of this comment.

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Lore wise there would never be firearms. Redguards have cannons, and Bretons have mortars, but mass produced muskets and such would not only be impossible to craft on a massive scale (the only scale early firearms are any good at) but would also be highly inaccurate (unless these are rifles, which I'd say would be even more out of their depth in terms of construction). Coupled with the fact that magic overrides any ballistic and there's not even a real need for most of the races to make them in the first place. And to be honest, even the Dwemer steam 'Industry' (IF there even was one) at their height couldn't even make what you pictured in the first picture.


Other than that, hope it works out and is fun. I didn't want to be a total downer.



I've been thinking about this a bit - what advantage would there be in a rifle-type weapon, when magic can do so much more? Well, if it's an alchemy-based weapon, it solves the issue - it can be a weapon that projects fire BUT DOESN'T REQUIRE ONE TO BE A MAGIC USER TO USE. Especially in "oh-gosh-it'smagic-it-must-be-evil!" Skyrim. If your local healer can whip up a powder/paste/potion that powers the weapon, it would be far more acceptable to the locals. Plus, push it as "fight fire with fire" anti-mage protection.


Manufacture? I seem to remember a term from somewhere - dwemer tubes. With all the ruins everywhere, scavenging parts wouldn't be too hard. Shoot, any redneck worth his salt can make a potato gun with enough duct tape. I think there could believeably be a skilled craftsman (in Markarth or Windhelm, say) who might be working with Calcemo to restore Dwemer artifacts (for the museum), and as a side project, develop this.


Think of it - a non-mage peasant could take a healer's potion and put it into one end of a metal and wood stick and make fire come out the other end. No spells. The only thing you gotta learn is where to point.

It would be impractical, and nobody could manufacture them. If the Dwemer couldn't make anything like this at their height (which they didn't), neither could any contemporary. You effectively need the beginnings of Industry and an industrial revolution. Neither of which are present in Skyrim. Now a rudimentary hand cannon, or an actual ship gun (cannon), or Mortar is a lot easier to make. You don't need micro casting and smelting techniques. And they would still be crude, inaccurate, dangerous to operate weapons anyway.

Edited by Xarnac
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Lore wise there would never be firearms. Redguards have cannons, and Bretons have mortars, but mass produced muskets and such would not only be impossible to craft on a massive scale (the only scale early firearms are any good at) but would also be highly inaccurate (unless these are rifles, which I'd say would be even more out of their depth in terms of construction). Coupled with the fact that magic overrides any ballistic and there's not even a real need for most of the races to make them in the first place. And to be honest, even the Dwemer steam 'Industry' (IF there even was one) at their height couldn't even make what you pictured in the first picture.


Other than that, hope it works out and is fun. I didn't want to be a total downer.



I've been thinking about this a bit - what advantage would there be in a rifle-type weapon, when magic can do so much more? Well, if it's an alchemy-based weapon, it solves the issue - it can be a weapon that projects fire BUT DOESN'T REQUIRE ONE TO BE A MAGIC USER TO USE. Especially in "oh-gosh-it'smagic-it-must-be-evil!" Skyrim. If your local healer can whip up a powder/paste/potion that powers the weapon, it would be far more acceptable to the locals. Plus, push it as "fight fire with fire" anti-mage protection.


Manufacture? I seem to remember a term from somewhere - dwemer tubes. With all the ruins everywhere, scavenging parts wouldn't be too hard. Shoot, any redneck worth his salt can make a potato gun with enough duct tape. I think there could believeably be a skilled craftsman (in Markarth or Windhelm, say) who might be working with Calcemo to restore Dwemer artifacts (for the museum), and as a side project, develop this.


Think of it - a non-mage peasant could take a healer's potion and put it into one end of a metal and wood stick and make fire come out the other end. No spells. The only thing you gotta learn is where to point.

It would be impractical, and nobody could manufacture them. If the Dwemer couldn't make anything like this at their height (which they didn't), neither could any contemporary. You effectively need the beginnings of Industry and an industrial revolution. Neither of which are present in Skyrim. Now a rudimentary hand cannon, or an actual ship gun (cannon), or Mortar is a lot easier to make. You don't need micro casting and smelting techniques. And they would still be crude, inaccurate, dangerous to operate weapons anyway.


Not really no, guns were invented in medieval China and used in Medieval Europe, before mass produced steel or even the ability tosingle forge a single piece canon together existed. You know why they call it the barrel of a gun, because before they could make a solid bore canon, they had to make them in staves with loops, like a barrel.

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Lore wise there would never be firearms. Redguards have cannons, and Bretons have mortars, but mass produced muskets and such would not only be impossible to craft on a massive scale (the only scale early firearms are any good at) but would also be highly inaccurate (unless these are rifles, which I'd say would be even more out of their depth in terms of construction). Coupled with the fact that magic overrides any ballistic and there's not even a real need for most of the races to make them in the first place. And to be honest, even the Dwemer steam 'Industry' (IF there even was one) at their height couldn't even make what you pictured in the first picture.


Other than that, hope it works out and is fun. I didn't want to be a total downer.



I've been thinking about this a bit - what advantage would there be in a rifle-type weapon, when magic can do so much more? Well, if it's an alchemy-based weapon, it solves the issue - it can be a weapon that projects fire BUT DOESN'T REQUIRE ONE TO BE A MAGIC USER TO USE. Especially in "oh-gosh-it'smagic-it-must-be-evil!" Skyrim. If your local healer can whip up a powder/paste/potion that powers the weapon, it would be far more acceptable to the locals. Plus, push it as "fight fire with fire" anti-mage protection.


Manufacture? I seem to remember a term from somewhere - dwemer tubes. With all the ruins everywhere, scavenging parts wouldn't be too hard. Shoot, any redneck worth his salt can make a potato gun with enough duct tape. I think there could believeably be a skilled craftsman (in Markarth or Windhelm, say) who might be working with Calcemo to restore Dwemer artifacts (for the museum), and as a side project, develop this.


Think of it - a non-mage peasant could take a healer's potion and put it into one end of a metal and wood stick and make fire come out the other end. No spells. The only thing you gotta learn is where to point.

It would be impractical, and nobody could manufacture them. If the Dwemer couldn't make anything like this at their height (which they didn't), neither could any contemporary. You effectively need the beginnings of Industry and an industrial revolution. Neither of which are present in Skyrim. Now a rudimentary hand cannon, or an actual ship gun (cannon), or Mortar is a lot easier to make. You don't need micro casting and smelting techniques. And they would still be crude, inaccurate, dangerous to operate weapons anyway.


Not really no, guns were invented in medieval China and used in Medieval Europe, before mass produced steel or even the ability tosingle forge a single piece canon together existed. You know why they call it the barrel of a gun, because before they could make a solid bore canon, they had to make them in staves with loops, like a barrel.

No. Those were basic hand cannons, basically hand culverins, used to scare the enemy more than anything else. Highly inaccurate and dangerous to use, basically useless as a one man weapon. For actual firearms/muskets, rifles to be produced on a massive scale, you need industry and technologies that are unknown to Nirn. Logic and lore wise, they wouldn't have them. So in the end it comes down to the two things it always has, they aren't needed in world where there's magic, and even if they were, they couldn't be made anyway.

Edited by Xarnac
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