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Follower Centaur?


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I'm not sure if anyone has already requested this or not, but The idea of a Follower that is also a mount popped into my head the other day. Bleach fans might remember Neliel, and she is what inspired this idea. I'm not sure how hard it would be to make a follower that is half horse, or how much harder it would be for her to be able to transform between centaur and human modes, but I thought that this would be the best place to request it if it is possible. 6bd404911af658915b7cfff684921c6d.jpghttp://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34600000/Neliel-tu-oderschvank-bleach-anime-34649308-463-500.jpg

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lmao we don't even have a working centaur body, much less the ability to make a Centaur follower.

The game is not at all equipped for the idea to begin with, and every animation would have to be made from scratch, or be some sort of crazy combination of horse and human animations.


People have been trying to make a Centaur race since Oblivion, and none has gotten past early proof of concepts. So yeah. Not going to happen.

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