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Updated NMM mods are wonky now


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I updated Nexus, and I did not properly read the dialogue box when it popped up I immediately thought pressing "No" would make it not update as I did not want to do it right at the moment however I guess pressing no means it still updates it just uninstalls all your mods. So I started uninstalling my mods. I canceled the process and finished the update of NMM. I reinstalled the couple mods it had a chance to uninstall but now all the other mods have a red disabled sign next to them I can not "enable" them. Have tried getting missing mod info etc does not seem to work. All the plugins are active and when I load the game for the most part it seems things are working pretty good except that some mods are wonky and don't work entirely.... but they are clearly still active. Please help me I have tried to fix this I have like 250+ mods it would take me so long to reinstall them I will probably just delete Skyrim before it comes to that point.

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